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What To Do After a Slip and Fall Injury

Slip and fall accidents occur on properties such as schools, workplaces, restaurants, hospitals, etc., and involve a walking hazard that causes a person to lose their balance and fall to the ground. Direct impact with the hard ground can expose a person to significant harm and cause severe injuries, such as back and neck injuries, broken bones, and hip fractures.  Property owners can be held

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What Dangerous Products Commonly Cause Severe Injuries?

Many products, such as car parts, medications, and toys, can have manufacturing, design, and labeling defects that can lead to severe injuries. Companies responsible for designing, manufacturing, distributing, and selling these products can be held liable for negligence that leads to these products injuring consumers. They must ensure the products consumers buy operate safely and can be held liable for a product liability claim if

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How Much is a Slip and Fall Injury Claim Worth?

Slip and fall accidents can cause significant damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, and lost earning potential, that you must find a way to pay for. They can also result in a worsened quality of life, as you can suffer anxiety and depression, alienate yourself from friends and family, and not feel comfortable in public places anymore. Hiring a slip and fall accident lawyer

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Scientific Study Found Tylenol Use During Pregnancy Can Cause Autism - The Russo Firm

Scientific Study Found Tylenol Use During Pregnancy Can Cause Autism

Recent scientific studies have identified a link between the use of Tylenol and generic acetaminophen for pain relief during pregnancy and your child developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Acetaminophen products like Tylenol contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which can lead to hormone imbalance and result in ASD in children. The effect of autism spectrum disorder can lead to difficulties in your child’s ability to develop social

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The Dangers of Running Red Lights

Many negligent driving behaviors, such as distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving, can cause catastrophic automobile accidents. One of the most common types of negligent driving behaviors is running red lights, which over half of drivers in the United States admit to doing on occasion. While it may seem harmless to run a red light occasionally, this can expose others on the road to significant

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Should You Go to the Hospital After a Car Accident?A

Following a car accident, a victim can begin suffering from symptoms of a severe injury like a back and neck injury, knee injury, or traumatic brain injury (TBI). These symptoms, such as intense pain, reduced functionality of a body part, or bleeding, can affect a person’s quality of life and cause pain and suffering. A car accident victim should go to the hospital immediately after

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How Much is a Truck Accident Claim Worth?

A negligent driver can lose control of their truck and cause significant harm to others on the road. Trucks are much larger than other vehicles, which means they can cause more widespread damage during a truck accident. Negligent driving behavior, such as speeding, drowsy driving, and distracted driving, can lead to dangerous results as the truck spins out and barrels into other vehicles and objects.

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How Much is a Tylenol Autism Lawsuit Worth?

Recent scientific studies have shown a connection between the use of Tylenol during pregnancy and children developing autism spectrum disorder. This is a developmental disease that can affect a person’s ability to communicate, recognize social cues, and pay attention for long periods of time. The medical condition can lead to issues with developing social relationships and learning. Many parents and others affected by Tylenol autism

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Common Causes of Intersection Crashes

Intersections can be busy locations where negligent driving behavior like running red lights, distracted driving, and speeding can cause catastrophic crashes. All drivers must be aware of other lanes of traffic and traffic control signals to ensure they do not come into contact with another car, bicycle, motorcycle, or pedestrian.  If you were involved in an intersection accident caused by another driver’s negligence, you could

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Non-Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

A victim of a personal injury accident, such as a car, motorcycle, or slip and fall accident, can experience long-term damages due to the impact of their severe injury. A personal injury incident can cause a traumatic injury, such as a broken bone, neck injury, or traumatic brain injury (TBI), that could cause pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.

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