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Category: Truck Accidents


How Much is a Truck Accident Claim Worth?

A negligent driver can lose control of their truck and cause significant harm to others on the road. Trucks are much larger than other vehicles, which means they can cause more widespread damage during a truck accident. Negligent driving behavior, such as speeding, drowsy driving, and distracted driving, can lead to dangerous results as the truck spins out and barrels into other vehicles and objects.

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Common Injuries Caused by Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can result in a driver or passenger receiving trauma and pressure that can cause a severe injury, such as a traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, or burn injury. Truck collisions from the front, back, and side can endanger different parts of the body by causing soft tissue injuries, broken bones, and internal injuries. A truck accident injury can result in high medical

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Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

Truck accidents can cause widespread impact and result in significant harm to all involved. They can result from negligent driving, poor vehicle maintenance, and defective truck parts. Depending on the cause of the truck accident, many possible parties could be held liable for damages, including a driver, trucking company, truck part manufacturer, and truck loader. If you were the victim of a truck accident, you

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What to do After a Truck Accident?

Negligent truck drivers who drive distracted, drunk, and drowsy can cause truck accidents that result in catastrophic damages. Following a truck accident, you may need help figuring out what to do, as you may be considering going to the hospital, leaving the scene to tell your employer and many other options. In the aftermath of a truck accident, you must address your health and financial

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Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck drivers can cause truck accidents by exhibiting negligent driving behavior, such as distracted, drunk, or drowsy driving. Each of these negligent driving behaviors can cause truck drivers to lose control of their vehicles. It can lead to them being unable to stop the large truck from crashing into another vehicle, leading to catastrophic damages and injuries. Victims of truck accidents can pursue compensation for

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