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Economic Damages You Can Pursue in a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury incident—such as a slip and fall, car accident, or truck accident—can cause damages that affect your finances. You will have damages that can cost large amounts of money that you will have to pay for, such as medical expenses. You can also miss out on making money due to the impact of a disabling injury, such as a broken leg, traumatic brain

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Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

Truck accidents can cause widespread impact and result in significant harm to all involved. They can result from negligent driving, poor vehicle maintenance, and defective truck parts. Depending on the cause of the truck accident, many possible parties could be held liable for damages, including a driver, trucking company, truck part manufacturer, and truck loader. If you were the victim of a truck accident, you

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How Much is a Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Worth?

Recent scientific studies have found a connection between using hair relaxers consistently and cancer risk. Some of the forms of cancer caused by hair relaxer use include uterine, breast, and endometrial cancer. All of these can cause immeasurable harm and lead to significant damages, such as medical bills, lost earning potential, and loss of enjoyment of life. You could file a hair relaxer lawsuit with

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Study Finds Connection Between Hair Relaxer Use and Uterine Cancer

The consistent use of hair-relaxing products has been pointed to as a cause of the increase in uterine cancer cases over the past couple of years. These hair relaxers are used to straighten hair, but they contain toxic endocrine-disrupting chemicals that can lead to hormone imbalance and uterine cancer. Researchers published their findings in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, establishing a connection between

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Common Cancer Caused by Hair Relaxer Use

Hair relaxers contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that have carcinogenic properties and can cause cancer. Recent scientific studies have found that women who use hair relaxers at least four times a year can expose themselves to a higher risk of cancer, such as uterine, breast, and ovarian cancer. People living with cancer from hair relaxers could file a hair relaxer lawsuit to pursue compensation for damages

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Common Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents result from a driver’s negligent or intentionally harmful behavior that leads to them losing focus, driving too fast, or disobeying road rules. Negligent driving in the form of distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving can lead to a collision that can expose other drivers to harm. Every driver owes those they share the road with a duty of care, which is the acceptable

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Should I File a Police Report After a Car Accident?

Following a personal injury incident, such as a slip and fall, truck, or car accident, one of the most important steps to take is to file a police report. By filing a police report, you can establish a timeline for the personal injury incident that can be helpful when pursuing compensation. You can also get information on the record, such as who was involved, the

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Recovering Compensation for Property Damage

Property owners can receive damages to their property that could require repairs or replacement. Usually, this means filing a home insurance claim to recover compensation. Property can receive damage through weather events like heavy rain, hail, and hurricanes, as well as incidents involving negligent behavior such as car accidents, criminal behavior, or poor plumbing. Whether a person was responsible or the weather caused the property

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Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck drivers can cause truck accidents by exhibiting negligent driving behavior, such as distracted, drunk, or drowsy driving. Each of these negligent driving behaviors can cause truck drivers to lose control of their vehicles. It can lead to them being unable to stop the large truck from crashing into another vehicle, leading to catastrophic damages and injuries. Victims of truck accidents can pursue compensation for

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Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Negligent and intentionally reckless behavior from motorcyclists and other drivers are the most common causes of motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles are smaller vehicles that can be hard to control, which means that motorcyclists and other drivers must exercise caution while sharing the road. Motorcycle accidents can result from negligent driving behaviors like distracted driving, speeding, and lane splitting. If you were involved in a motorcycle accident

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