(561) 270-0913

How Much is a Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Worth?

Recent scientific studies have found a connection between using hair relaxers consistently and cancer risk. Some of the forms of cancer caused by hair relaxer use include uterine, breast, and endometrial cancer. All of these can cause immeasurable harm and lead to significant damages, such as medical bills, lost earning potential, and loss of enjoyment of life.

You could file a hair relaxer lawsuit with the manufacturers of hair relaxers to pursue compensation for the damages caused by their products. Many factors can influence the value of your hair relaxer lawsuit, including injuries, illnesses, damages, and quality of life changes. The product liability lawyers at The Russo Firm can help you calculate the cost of your hair relaxer lawsuit and put you in the best position to recover compensation for your damages.

Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Estimated Value

Many product liability lawsuits have been filed over hair relaxers having carcinogens that can cause cancer. A study by the National Institute of Health (NIH) revealed that women who used hair relaxers at least four times a year were twice as likely to suffer from uterine cancer. Hair relaxers have endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which are carcinogens that can seep into the scalp and cause uterine cancer.

The value of your hair relaxer lawsuit depends on how your life has been affected by the medical conditions you suffered. It also can be affected by whether the hair relaxer lawsuits are consolidated into multi-district litigation. This is a type of class action lawsuit that consolidates similar cases before one judge and increases the chance of a global settlement. Some outlets have speculated that a global settlement allocated to the various hair relaxer lawsuit plaintiffs could payout from $300,000 to $1,750,000.

Medical Conditions Affect the Value of Your Hair Relaxer Lawsuit

What medical conditions you suffer and their severity can affect the value of your hair relaxer lawsuit. The more you suffer because of a severe medical condition, the more you are likely to get from a hair relaxer lawsuit settlement or award. That’s because a severe medical condition, such as any type of cancer, is likely going to have more expensive medical costs than a minor injury like a laceration.

In the case of a hair relaxer lawsuit, most women who have suffered medical consequences end up being diagnosed with a severe medical condition. Your product liability lawyer can help you collect evidence that can prove that you suffered a severe medical condition from the regular use of chemical hair relaxers to increase the value of your hair relaxer lawsuit.

The following are some of the medical conditions caused by hair relaxer use:

  • Uterine cancer
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Uterine sarcoma
  • Breast cancer
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometriosis

Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Worth Affected by Quality of Life Changes

Your hair relaxer lawsuit value also has to do with how your severe medical condition has disrupted your life. Declining quality of life due to a medical condition falls under non-economic damages. A severe medical condition like uterine cancer can make living everyday life physically and emotionally painful. They may not be able to live life the way they had before due to the pain and effects on their health.

A worse standard of living can affect their own mental health and their relationships with other people. A victim of hair relaxer uterine cancer may not be able to hold healthy relationships due to their illness’s detrimental effects. A product liability lawyer can help you calculate the intangible cost of your hair relaxer lawsuit.

Damages in a Hair Relaxer Lawsuit

The most important factor affecting your hair relaxer lawsuit worth is what damages you suffer and how severe they are. These are the economic and non-economic losses you suffer that affect your financial situation, physical and mental health, and quality of life. You can pursue compensation for current and future damages. A product liability lawyer can help to calculate what losses you incurred due to hair relaxer use.

The following are some of the damages you can pursue in a hair relaxer lawsuit:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of society
  • Loss of companionship

How Can a Product Liability Lawyer Help You With Your Hair Relaxer Lawsuit?

Hiring a product liability lawyer can help with the possibly complicated process involved in pursuing compensation for hair relaxer damages. Many women have filed hair relaxer lawsuits to pursue compensation, with oral hearings for possible hair relaxer lawsuit consolidation happening on January 26th, 2023. An experienced product liability lawyer can help you file a hair relaxer lawsuit and get involved in a multi-district litigation to access streamlined discovery and increased global settlement chances.

The following are some of the ways a product liability lawyer can help with your hair relaxer lawsuit:

  • Calculate your current and future hair relaxer damages
  • Determine who is at fault for your hair relaxer damages
  • Send the demand letter to the at-fault party and their insurer
  • Develop a hair relaxer lawsuit legal strategy
  • Help find medical providers willing to provide medical treatment for a lien while the hair relaxer lawsuit is underway
  • Collect evidence to prove you suffered medical conditions from hair relaxer use
  • Find expert witnesses to help prove your hair relaxer case
  • Negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance company
  • Represent your interests if hair relaxer lawsuits are consolidated

Contact The Russo Firm for Help With Your Hair Relaxer Lawsuit

The experienced product liability lawyers at The Russo Firm have helped victims of dangerous and defective products recover compensation for their damages. We can help you with your hair relaxer claim by assessing your damages, determining the liable party, collecting evidence, and coming up with a sound legal plan. Allow our product liability lawyers to help you file a hair relaxer lawsuit and get involved in the possible hair relaxer MDL.

At The Russo Firm, we offer free consultations to personal injury victims to allow them to see how we can help them pursue compensation for their damages. Contact us for a free consultation at (561) 270-0913 or leave a message on our online contact page.

Article written or reviewed by:

Attorney Anthony Russo

Attorney Anthony Russo

Managing Partner and Lawyer at The Russo Firm

No-Cost Case Evaluation