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What Defective Drugs Can Cause Serious Health Problems?

Defective drugs are medication and other products you can purchase to treat a medical issue that causes other problems. They may work in healing what you were looking to treat, but defective drugs can cause other medical conditions worse than what you were trying to treat. For example, Zantac is an over-the-counter drug used to help with heartburn but has been connected to various forms of cancer.

Those who suffered significant health problems because of defective drugs can file product liability claims to hold drug manufacturers accountable for creating, shipping, and selling dangerous products. Defective drug victims should contact a product liability lawyer to learn their options for pursuing compensation for damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, and lost enjoyment of life.

What are Defective Drugs?

One type of personal injury legal action victims can file is a defective drug claim when a medication causes a separate health issue from the one they were trying to treat. Pharmaceutical companies can manufacture, ship, and sell defective medication without properly testing their products to ensure they are safe. This can expose consumers to significant health problems like cancer, vital organ damage, and blood clots.

The following are the ways a defective drug can be defective:

  • Design defects: This is when a drug’s design is inherently dangerous. The combination of certain chemicals and ingredients in drugs can cause health problems. The company that designed the product likely did not do proper testing to ensure the product did not have major side effects or could cause severe health problems.
  • Manufacturing defects: If a drug’s design is safe, it’s up to the manufacturer to follow that design and create a product safely. Manufacturing defects occur when a manufacturer makes a mistake in creating the product, deviates from the design, and manufactures an unsafe drug.
  • Failure to warn: This is when a drug has a significant side effect, but there is no indication in the marketing or labeling. Pharmaceutical companies can be held liable for damages if they fail to make consumers aware of the side effects of a defective drug.

Prenatal Tylenol Use Can Cause Autism and ADHD

One defective drug that can cause health issues is Tylenol. This is an over-the-counter pain reliever that many women use during pregnancy. However, prenatal Tylenol use can expose their unborn children to the risk of experiencing autism and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Recent scientific studies from the American Journal of Epidemiology and the National Institute of Health (NIH) indicate that extensive prenatal exposure to Tylenol, or its generic form acetaminophen, can increase the likelihood of suffering a neurodevelopmental disorder by up to 30%.

Neurodevelopment disorders like autism and ADHD can majorly affect a person’s life. ADHD can make it harder to focus and lead to compulsive behavior that can lead to social alienation, poor learning skills, and anxiety. Autism can cause issues with social communication, learning skills, and movement ability. Tylenol can cause these health problems because it can contain endocrine disruptors that affect babies as they develop.

Zantac is a Defective Drug Linked to Cancer

Zantac is an over-the-counter drug used to treat heartburn by reducing the amount of acid in a person’s stomach. However, researchers discovered in 2019 that Zantac contained N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a liquid chemical used as rocket fuel. It is a carcinogen that can damage the cellular DNA of gastric cells and cause cancer.

The following are some forms of cancer caused by NDMA in Zantac:

Following a Federal Drug Administration (FDA) investigation into the connection between NDMA and cancer, the manufacturer of Zantac, Sanofi, issued voluntary recalls of Zantac products. Those who experienced cancer due to exposure to NDMA through Zantac can file lawsuits to hold Sanofi accountable for exposing them to dangerous chemicals that can cause cancer.

Tepezza Can Cause Hearing Loss

Another defective drug that can cause health issues is Tepezza, a brand-name prescription that can help treat thyroid eye disease. Tepezza is one of the only medications available to treat the rare eye condition, which led to the FDA awarding it with orphan status to bring the medication to market quickly.

After tests were run to determine the drug’s safety, it was discovered that around 10% of patients could suffer ontological symptoms like tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo. However, a study from the Endocrine Society posited the risk of hearing loss was closer to 65%. Hearing loss can severely affect a person’s life, affecting their ability to drive a car, maintain social relationships, and hold steady employment.

Should You Hire a Defective Drug Lawyer?

Those who suffer medical conditions from defective drugs can experience damages like medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. They can experience damages that affect their financial standing, physical health, and quality of life that they can pursue compensation for through a defective drug claim. Defective drug victims will likely not have the proper legal experience to handle the claims process alone, so hiring a defective drug lawyer is vital.

A defective drug lawyer can help you in the following ways:

Contact The Russo Firm for Help With Your Defective Drug Claim

The defective drug lawyers at The Russo Firm can use their experience helping victims of dangerous products to put you in a position to recover fair compensation for your damages. We understand how some of the above health issues can affect your life, and we wish to assist you in recovering economic and non-economic damages.

Our defective drug lawyers can help you recover fair compensatory damages by gathering evidence, negotiating a settlement with the liable party’s insurance company, and representing you in court. Contact us for a free defective drug consultation today at (561) 270-0913 or leave a message on our online contact page.

Article written or reviewed by:

Attorney Anthony Russo

Attorney Anthony Russo

Managing Partner and Lawyer at The Russo Firm

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