(561) 270-0913

Who is Eligible for the AFFF Lawsuit?


  • People are filing AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits due to medical conditions caused by exposure to PFAS
  • Some occupations that can involve exposure to PFAS through AFFF include firefighters, military workers, airline personnel, etc.
  • People who suffer severe medical conditions, such as thyroid, bladder, testicular, and breast cancer, can join the AFFF lawsuit
  • Those joining the AFFF lawsuit must prove they suffered from adverse medical conditions because of exposure to PFAS through AFFF

Firefighters, airport workers, military personnel, and civilians could have been exposed to dangerous chemicals through Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF). This is the industry-standard firefighting foam used by civilian and military units. It contains per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that can cause cancer and other significant health issues.

Those who suffer kidney, testicular, and thyroid cancer can file an AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit to pursue compensation for damages. All AFFF lawsuits are currently consolidated in the District of South Carolina before Judge Richard M. Gergel. Those eligible to file a lawsuit can join the AFFF lawsuit to pursue compensation for damages along with other affected civilians.

What is the AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuit?

Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) is the industry-standard firefighting foam used by civilian and military units. The foam contains per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that help engulf flames in the cooling foam to fight fires. However, these toxic chemicals can also seep into the body, bind to protein structures, and cause significant health issues.

Many people, ranging from firefighters to military personnel to everyday citizens, have filed AFFF lawsuits because of the impact of the dangerous firefighting foam. They have filed lawsuits to pursue compensation for economic and non-economic damages caused by severe illnesses.

Who Can File an AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuit?

Over 6,000 AFFF lawsuits are pending in a multi-district litigation (MDL) in the District of South Carolina before Judge Richard M. Gergel. Those who feel they suffered adverse medical issues from AFFF firefighting foam can join the AFFF lawsuit to pursue compensation for damages.

Many jobs provided occupational risk, exposing workers to the PFAS in AFFF firefighting foam. People who worked on these jobs, used or were exposed to AFFF firefighting foam or equipment with PFAS, and suffered severe health problems can join the AFFF lawsuit to pursue compensation for damages.

The following are some people who can join the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit:

  • Municipal firefighters
  • Military firefighters
  • Airport workers
  • Military personnel
  • Chemical plant workers
  • Flight deck workers
  • Workers who transport or dispose of AFFF

Victims of Health Risks Associated With AFFF Can File a Lawsuit

If you work in one of the above at-risk occupations, you could suffer a severe health condition from exposure to PFAS through AFFF firefighting foam. Those exposed to AFFF can suffer cancer and other severe health conditions that can majorly affect their health and possibly cause wrongful death.

Those who suffer from medical conditions due to PFAS exposure through AFFF can join the lawsuit. They can file their own lawsuit and join the consolidated lawsuit in the District of South Carolina.

The following are some medical conditions that can result from PFAS exposure:

Proving Your Eligibility to File an AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuit

Those who wish to file a product liability lawsuit regarding AFFF must prove their eligibility. They must be able to collect evidence that can prove they suffered at least one of the above medical conditions through exposure to PFAS in AFFF. They can prove this by showing they work an at-risk occupation or were in a location where AFFF was sprayed.

Those who wish to join must remember this is for AFFF firefighting foam, not PFAS in drinking water. There were recent settlements for damages caused by PFAS in drinking water. Some lawsuits for water contamination are still pending, but those who wish to recover compensation for AFFF firefighting foam will receive a separate settlement should the plaintiffs succeed.

Contact The Russo Firm for Help With Your AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuit

At The Russo Firm, our product liability lawyers can help you join the AFFF lawsuit. They will know product liability essentials that can help you hold manufacturers of AFFF firefighting foam accountable for using dangerous chemicals like PFAS. Our product liability attorneys understand the impact of cancer and other serious medical conditions.

They can affect your health, ability to earn compensation, quality of life, mental health, and personal relationships. We wish to help you pursue compensation for financial recovery from health conditions caused by PFAS in AFFF firefighting foam. Contact us for a free AFFF consultation today at (561) 270-0913 or leave a message on our online contact page.

Frequently Asked Questions About the AFFF Lawsuit

What is the Process for Joining the AFFF Lawsuit?

If you can prove that you suffered adverse medical conditions from exposure to AFFF, you can join the AFFF firefighting foam mass tort. The process involves filing an AFFF lawsuit directly with the District of South Carolina.

Plaintiffs can file directly to join the AFFF firefighting foam MDL. This can allow them to benefit from a streamlined discovery process, share resources with other plaintiffs, and recover compensation for their specific damages from a global settlement.

Is the AFFF Lawsuit Going to Go to Trial?

Most mass torts go to trial through bellwether trials, which are test trials that allow plaintiffs and defendants to see how juries respond to evidence in the case. The AFFF MDL will be no different, and recent updates suggest that there could be movement toward bellwether trials.

Plaintiffs and defendants have already filed motions in limine to have specific evidence deemed inadmissible. Judge Gergel filed a case management order on December 5th to choose a pool of plaintiffs whose cases can be used for bellwether trials.

How Can a Product Liability Lawyer Help With Your AFFF Lawsuit?

Hiring a lawyer with experience in product liability claims can help as you attempt to pursue compensation for AFFF damages. They can use their experience handling claims concerning dangerous products to assist you in the many steps needed to recover compensation for damages.

An experienced product liability lawyer can help calculate the value of your lawsuit, determine the liable party, file the necessary paperwork to join the MDL, collect evidence, and negotiate a settlement. They can also share resources with other plaintiffs’ lawyers and update you on how the AFFF firefighting foam progresses.

Article written or reviewed by:

Attorney Anthony Russo

Attorney Anthony Russo

Managing Partner and Lawyer at The Russo Firm

No-Cost Case Evaluation